  • metaverse
  • {"google":["Raleway","Quicksand","Libre Baskerville"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}
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  • {"type":"img","src":"https://cdn.quv.kr/og7ffcah1%2Fup%2F6332a22e773a5_1920.png","height":48}


    Learner-centered education

    Techer X, Content X, focusing solely on learners

    Providing Multifunctional Services


    Customized problem

    Use my data tailored only to the learner himself

    Delivering Customized Issues


    A.I  Solution

    Provide mutiple answers based on questions acquired by learners to drive repeat learning


    Advanced recognition rate

    Utilize speech recognition engine STT

    Has a high recognition rate for sentences that

    users speak directly

    Various contents

    High-quality content composed of locally used sentences composed of prestigious teachers such as Oxford and Indiana State University

    Connecting with a native teacher

    For students who want to learn more about English,

    it provides an opportunity to learn with a native teacher at a prestigious local university

    Simple Operation


    Make English habituation in a form that anyone can easily manipulate, not the difficult on many people felt a change through this app

    Intuitive App Design

    Customized English conversation problems and solutions

    Advancement solutions through advanced voice API

    Our Company Pitching

    Make Your English ability


     " Iterative learning makes me stronger in the future"


    Multiple OS operations available

    Off-Line functionality

    Full customer support and optimized customer communication channel

    Application services reflectiong the latest technology and applying the latest voice API

    Your personal information and all the information you need to use the app are kept safe

    Deliver customized content for your users

    Download The App



    We provide you with a new paradigm of learning English.

    Enjoy more features through updates that will be hold together

    {"google":["Raleway","Poppins"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}{"google":["Raleway","Quicksand","Libre Baskerville"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}
    {"google":[],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}